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Archive for the ‘Leadership Training’ Category

Birth of Simple Church Leader’s Network

Diverse Circle Of Colorful People Holding Hands, Symbolizing Teamwork, Friendship, Support And Unity Clipart Illustration Graphic

(image from

Several months ago, Gwen and I had the opportunity to attend a Simple Church training conference in Piteå (a town about an hour from us) that was led by our partner from Stockholm. Gwen and I were then encouraged by others to develop a network of leaders of simple churches here in northern Sweden. The purpose of the network is to let these leaders and potential leaders know there are others involved in this pioneer ministry. Another goal is to provide teaching and training resources and to encourage each other through prayer.

Our first meeting was in January and five house churches were represented from as far away as Umeå – 3.5 hour drive from us! The leaders from Umeå have a five-week old infant, but they were were so determined to participate that they joined us via a conference call! How’s that for perseverance to be part of what God is doing here?

We shared fika, Tony led a brief teaching, we prayed for each other and then enjoyed a simple meal where we shared the Lord’s Supper. I believe we’ve set the foundation of developing relationships with one another so we can expand God’s kingdom here in northern Sweden.

Will you join us in prayer for our next meeting tomorrow (19 February)? I’ll be sharing a simple evangelism tool that can easily be used in non-confrontational conversations with those who don’t yet know Jesus. The house church that Gwen and I lead plan to use this method next month when we meet at a local cafe in Boden and share our faith with others. Please pray for opportunities and boldness.